March 2007   




Artisan Class


1st Honley Village  Butchers – pork, chorizo, goats cheese & sweet chilli sauce 
2nd Keith Dyson – full English breakfast
3rd Honley Village Butchers – pork, chicken & stuffing
4th J. Thomas of Helmsley 
5th E. Middlemiss – pork, stuffing & Yorkshire chutney


Traditional Class


1st Hoffman’s of Wakefield 
2nd Wilson’s of Crossgates, Leeds 
3rd Broster’s of Lindley, Huddersfield.
4th Honley Village Butchers, Huddersfield.


March 2007 PDF Print E-mail
Pie Club Meetings 2007

3 March 07


World Events


Charles Forte dies at 90 years old


Train crash in Cumbria one dead 17 injured


British citizens captured in Ethiopia




Danny Wilials regains British heavy weight title


Daren Gough back in Yorkshire side




Bob – Didn’t like pastry, 7


Phil – lovely pastry very cold 6.5


John – Crunchy pastry, course meat good presentation, no afterburn  -7.5


Tim – Course meat ,crispy pastry,nice seasoning ,bit short of jelly. 7


Walkers of King Cross 60p  Average 7



10 March 07


World Events


Brig Royd pulled down


Front wheel fell of a plane


John Inman ( Are you being served) dies.


Top London Criminal –Adams family member jailed for money laundering


House of Lords to be 100% elected







Wembley finally finished


3 English clubs through to European quarter final




Mark – Nice pie, pastry soft on top, tasty meat not bad -7.5


Phil - Uniform and enjoyable – 8


Kevin –Good looking crispy top, fresh,succulent meat,jelly salty 7.5


Bob- original,salty 8


Blaineys of Uppermill 60p average mark 7.7




17 March  2007



World Events


Kevin and Stuart will not vote Conservative ever again because David Cameron wants to tax their jet setting lifestyle!


HP sauce – last bottle made in the UK


UN dithering over Mugabe


New £20 note to make forgery even more difficult


USA “friendly fire” death of british solder - criminal act says coroner. Accident say the USA. Why don’t we ask for extradition?




Cricket World Cup starts


Wales beat England at Rugby


Halifax  Town Chairman resigns











Too Pale, crunchy,tasty,spicy and course   9




Crunchy pastry, peppery, rat runs  7.5




Crispy, peppery,afterburn,  8




Corking pie, crunchy,spicy,lots of jelly  8.5





Thin,crispy pastry,spicy favoursome jelly,cracker of a pie. Juggling with the jelly.  9




Fresh, lots of jelly 8.5




Pale,peppery meat sticky, very good 8.5




Slightly greasy bottom but fantastic pie. 8


Michael Thewlis of Golgar 75p ave  8.5






31 March  2007


World event


Competition resounding success £2000 raised for Alzheimer’s Society.


Iran captures 15 British naval personnel between Iraq and Iran


MG starts production in China


Gordon Brown found  to have ignored expert advice on tax relief   on pension dividends  in 1997. The robbing bastard.


Wales goes smoke free tomorrow.


Northern Ireland agreement. Ian Paisley and Gerry Adams agree on power sharing.




Northern Ireland beat Sweden 2 -1 at football and now top of group


England beat Andorra 3 –nil


England beat Ireland at Cricket




Bob – Small, full of jelly, compact meat, crispy pastry, good after burn    8


Richard – Almost perfect pie, thin crispy pastry, well filled  -9.5


Peter – Lovely pie tasty fresh pastry and well glazed. -8


Phil -  Small, fresh lovely meat an jelly, a good pie -   8


Will, son of Mark  -nice  8.5


Mark – Pastry soft,jelly lovely,well spiced. meat . Is it Hinchliffes ? -8.5


Tim – Perfection, no rat runs, packed with meat, spicy meat,  8.5  Highest mark that Tim has ever given, probably.


Kevin – All pies should be like this. Thin pastry, succulent meat,tasty jelly,spicy and fresh    -  9


Source – Broster’s of Outlane, Huddersfield   Ave  8.6


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