Pie Meeting Saturday 12th October 2013
World Events
Refugees on boat lost in the Med near Italy.
Big storm in India just started.
Royal Mail share sale a success with a 40% price bounce.
Tim and Lindsey ( Landlord and Landlady) have a Granddaughter
Big hike in energy prices this week.
Debate in the Press should foreign sportsman be allowed to represent the UK?
England beat Montenegro at Football 4-1
Peter Big, shiny pie, fresh and crisp pastry, well filled, peppery meat, an excellent pie.
Score 8.5/10
Mark Dull finish on mine, dark and overcooked by a few minutes.Nice tasty jelly, coarse ground meat, lots of spice pepper and afterburn.
Score 8.0/10
Phil Big pie, lots of pastry, nice jelly, more seasoning needed.
Score 6.0/10
Kevin Fresh, well glazed, crispy crunchy sticky pastry. Tasty jelly, finely ground peppery pork.
Score 8.0/10
Fetcher Kevin
Fetch Groveners of Brough Market, Halifax.
Price 90p
Average 7.6
Pie Meeting Saturday 19th October 2013
World Events
Plebgate rumbles on with Chief Constables to come before a Commons Select Committee.
British Gas going up 8.5 %
HS2 gets more bad press this week. Areas to lose out if not near it.
USA not fallen off fiscal cliff with last minute agreement.
England qualify for World Cup 2 – 1 against Poland
Boxing, amateurs will not wear head guards.
Andy Murray was presented with OBE by Prince William.
Peter Pale pastry, fresh and crispy pastry, well filled. A bit bland. Needed pepper. Very little jelly.
Score 6.0/10
Howard Pale pie, small in size. Crisp pastry but soggy bottom. Pastry too thick and dominated the experience. Coarse meat porky, little jelly, needed more spice.
Score 6.5/10
Mark All been said. Needed more time in the oven. Nice meat.
Score 7.0/10
Fetcher Mark
Fetch Hopkins of Burkinshaw.
Price £1.05
Average 6.6
Pie Meeting Saturday 26th October 2013
World Events
Prince George christened this week with 7 Godparents. First time one current and three future monarchs are photographed together.
Scotland’s only refinery will now stay open after Union agreed to Pension and Pay freeze.
Labour took a by election from the SMP in Scotland.
Plebgate : Federation policemen who fitted up Mitchell and their Chief Constables were in front of a Commons Committee.
Man who punched Police horse jailed 12 months.
America listening in to European leaders calls.
England lost to Australia in Rugby league opening game. 28 - 20
Wales lost to Italy at Rugby league. 32 – 16
Vettel on pole position and will win in Delia to get World Championship for 2013.
Peter Big pie, very well filled, fresh, not much jelly. Porky, could use more spice.
Score 6.5/10
Mark Soft pastry let it down. Very full of coarse grained meat. Lots of spice, lots of afterburn. Well glazed,very fresh.
Score 8.0/10
William Large well filled pie, good amount of jelly. Salty tasty meat. Pastry was crisp and crunchy and a little thick.
Score ??/10
Tim Good sized pie. Well finished. Thin crunchy pastry. Well filled, not at lot of jelly.Meat was well spiced and seasoned.
Score 9.0/10
Kevin Very big pie, thin crunchy pastry, small amount ofjelly. Very moist meat, spice and afterburn. A perfect pie. Could eat it ever week.
Score 9.0/10
Howard All been said. Good size, well glazed and baked. Thin crusty pastry. Well filled. Tasty coarse meat. Salty. Plenty of tasty jelly. Worth the effort to fetch.
Score 9.0/10
Fetcher Howard
Fetch Bolster Moor
Price £1.25p
Avarage 8.1