March 2013   




Artisan Class


1st Honley Village  Butchers – pork, chorizo, goats cheese & sweet chilli sauce 
2nd Keith Dyson – full English breakfast
3rd Honley Village Butchers – pork, chicken & stuffing
4th J. Thomas of Helmsley 
5th E. Middlemiss – pork, stuffing & Yorkshire chutney


Traditional Class


1st Hoffman’s of Wakefield 
2nd Wilson’s of Crossgates, Leeds 
3rd Broster’s of Lindley, Huddersfield.
4th Honley Village Butchers, Huddersfield.


March 2013 PDF Print E-mail
Pie Club Meetings 2013

Pie Meeting Saturday 2nd March 2013

World Events

Pope leaves office.

Vicky Pryce (Chris Huhne’s ex) is in court again following the discharge of the jury following the first trial.

19 die in Egyptian hot air balloon crash at Luxor, Egyptian pilot & a british tourist survive.

USA falls over fiscal cliff following failure to agree a new budget.


Don Valley Stadium to close.

Ryan Giggs signs for another year for Man United.

Bradford City miss out on league cup glory to Swansa.

Scotland beat Ireland at Rugby.

Jessica Ennision gets a CBE.

Nicola Adams get an MBE.


Tim   Small pie, fresh crunchy pastry, good even jelly,pink meat well filled. Although it was a well made pie, probably mass produced?, it lacked seasoning and no afterburn, but a reasonable effort.

Score   6.0/10

Howard   A pie for the ladies! Good thin crusty pastry, well packed with meat, plenty of jelly. The meat had a good pork taste but lacked seasoning.

Score   8.0/10 

Bruce   A party size looking pie, golden brown well glazed pastry. Fresh crunchy crispy pastry, loads of delicious jelly. Tasty succulent meat but needed more spice. I really like it

Score   8.5/10

Mark   Dainty pie, fresh as a daisy. Thin crispy pastry, lovely colour to it. Packed to the rafters with juicy succulent meat, lovely texture, very tasty, any gaps were filled with lovely tasty jelly. Slight afterburn but could have done with more spice.

Score   9.0/10


Fetcher Mark

Fetch   Walmsleys butchers of Ramsbottom.

Price   85p

Average   7.6

Pie Meeting Saturday 30th March 2013

World Events 
North Korea declare war with South Korea and threaten USA.
Nelson Mandela in hospital with pneaumonia.
Richard Griffiths famed for TV and Harry Potter dies aged 65.
David Miliband resigns as MP and is to be CEO of International Rescue based in New York.
Cyprus secure bail out.
England get a susprise draw against New Zealand in cricket.
England get 1- 1 draw against Montenegro.
Andy Murray through to tennis final.
Hamilton now with Mercedes drives into McClaren pits.
Vettel defies team orders and overtakes Webber at the end of the Singapore GP and wins.
Howard   Fair looking pie, golden brown fresh but thick pastry. Well filled not much jelly. Lacked flavour but lots of salt.
Score 7.0/10
Mark   Attractive looking pie. Pastry was very thick, hard rubbery jelly, Pepper and lots of afterburn.
Score 6.5/10
Peter   Thick notvery tasty pastry. Well filled and quite fresh. All right did not offend. Still looking for a some spice.
Score 7.0/10
Ifor (guest)   Nice appearance, acceptable colour. Pastry lacking texture and flavour. Lacked taste in the meat. Pepper and fire required. Overall eating experience OK.
Score 5.0/10
Jason (guest)   Looked ok but a little uniform, no jelly. Pastry best part of pie. No punch in the pie. Meat needed seasoning and pepper and jelly.
Score 6.0/10
Oliver   Took a while to get through the thick pastry. I was hungry so I enjoyed it.
Score 8.5/10
Tim   Good looking pie. Pastry was crunchy and dry as a bone. Meat was dry, hardly any jelly. Basic ordinary pie.
Score 5.0/10
Kevin   Thin pastry and over crunchy. Moist meat and afterburn. Salty.
Score 8.0/10
Fetcher   Kevin
Fetch   Grovnesers of Halifax Borough Market.
Price   90p
Average   6.6


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