Pie Meeting Saturday 9th February 2013
World Events
Female Chief Inspector jailed for 15 months for offering information on the phone hacking scandal to the News of the World.
A police officer arrested for perjury in the Andrew Mitchel “Plebgate” saga.
Two men jailed for life for killing a young man in Cardiff when he answered the door to his parents house.
Queen Beatrice of Holland abdicates in favour of her son.
England beat Scotland at Rugby 38 - 18
Ireland beat Wales at Rugby.
Andy Murray lost in final of Australian Open.
Tim Good pie let down by small size, Plenty of jelly, coarse meat.
Score 7.0/10
Peter Interesting looking pie, tall, fresh, lovely pastry, well filled, subtle porky flavour. A really good pie.
Score 9.0/10
Mark Nutty pastry, crispy pastry, coarse meat, loads of afterburn.
Score 8.5/10
Fetcher Mark
Fetch new Butchers at Slitheroe Bridge in Ripponden ( Name not known ) Pies made by Granges of Slathwaite.
Price £1.30
Average 8.2
Pie Meeting Saturday 16th February 2013
World Events
Pope resigns due to old age and illness.
God throws a rock (asteroid) and misses but got us in the Urals with a meteorite.
Oscar Pistorius ( Para Olympian) on murder charge after shooting his girl friend.
Kevin Webster, Coronation St. actor arrested for child rape.
England beat Ireland at Rugby (6 nations)
Chris Froome won tour of Oman.
Blackburn beat Arsensal 1 - 0
Peter Big, very big pie. Very well filled. Thin but quite soggy pastry especially the bottom. Needed more jelly. Spicy in parts, fine ground meat. An unusual pie and not a local one.
Score 6.0/10
Mark Soft crumbley pastry and a solid lump of meat. Nice amount of jelly. Full of flavour. Good effort.
Score 7.5/10
Fred Looks like a challenge. Meat was very coarse. Very tasty, plenty of jelly. Dissappointing pastry.
Score 7.0/10
Tim Good sized pie. Not soggy pastry but looked it. Finely ground meat and rubbery. More afterburn needed.
Score 6.0/10
Luke Good size. Fine ground meat. No jelly. Pastry was OK.
Score 7.0/10
Howard Big, pastry was not fresh. Packed full of meat. Little jelly. Very salty, no pepper. Relieved to get to the end. Rubbery meat.
Score 5.0/10
Chris Nice and big and full. Nice spice, thin pastry. Not enough jelly. Enjoyed it.
Score 8.0/10
Bruce Monster sized pie. A Meal in two hands. Fresh crispy pastry. Lashings of jelly. Solid chewy meat. Perfectly seasoned. A belter of a pie.
Score 8.0/10
Oli Crispy pastry,packed with meat, salty but needed more pepper. A warm Spring morning with dew on the grass in the form of a pie.
Score 7.5/10
Fetcher Oli
Fetch The Pantry Denshaw
Price £1.15
Average 6.9
The marks suggest that the batch was a mixture of pies and Oli’s comments suggest he needs to change his medication.
Pie Meeting Saturday 23rd February 2013
World Events
UK loses triple A financial rating.
German minister says meat with horse meat should be given to the poor.
Oscar Pistorius gets bail on murder charge.
Chief Executive of Liberal Democrats LordRennad accused of sexual impropriety.
Richard Briers actor dies at 79.
Bradford to play in first cup final since 1911 against Swansea tomorrow.
England beat France 20 – 13 and Wales beat Italy (rugby)
UK win medals World Championship cycling.
Peter Very crisp pastry,crisp enough to make your gums bleed, obviously fresh. Good husbandry, well presented and room temperature. Well filled with tasty porky meat.
Score 8.5/10
Mark Very crispy nutty tasty pastry, Nice amount of jelly. Nice texture to the meat.
Score 8.0/10
Howard Good size. Nice colour.Good fresh pastry. Plenty of jelly. Porky meat but a little lardy. Not much afterburn.
Score 8.0/10
Bruce Lovely golden well glazed pastry with large castlations Very fresh crunchy tasty pastry.Nice amount of tasty jelly. Well compacted nicely textured tasty meat. Left a buttery taste like savoury shortbread. A belter of a pie . Only things missing was a nice afterburn. Score 9.5/10
Fetcher Bruce
Fetch Bentley’s of Pudsey
Price £1.10
Average 8.5