January 2013   




Artisan Class


1st Honley Village  Butchers – pork, chorizo, goats cheese & sweet chilli sauce 
2nd Keith Dyson – full English breakfast
3rd Honley Village Butchers – pork, chicken & stuffing
4th J. Thomas of Helmsley 
5th E. Middlemiss – pork, stuffing & Yorkshire chutney


Traditional Class


1st Hoffman’s of Wakefield 
2nd Wilson’s of Crossgates, Leeds 
3rd Broster’s of Lindley, Huddersfield.
4th Honley Village Butchers, Huddersfield.


January 2013 PDF Print E-mail
Pie Club Meetings 2013

Pie Meeting Saturday 5th January 2013

World Events

Footsie rises above 6000.

Dry and mild today at last! 

Halifax man gets a hand transplant.

Co op now  have Easter Eggs on New Year’s Day.

Gay bishops to be allowed in C of E as long as they don’t have sex.

Sun bought advertising space in Argentina saying that we were on the  Falklands first.

Indian rape case causing public outrage in India and around the world.


Brighton beat Newcastle in FA Cup.

Balotelli and Mancini in bust up in training.

Phil Taylor darts player wins World championship for the 16th time.


Kevin   Not fresh, soft tasteless pastry, very average pie 6.5

Howard   Not fresh, soft pastry. Well filled, little jelly, tasty meat but lacked spice.

Score   7.5/10

Bruce   Nice looking pie, tasty pastry but soggy bottom. Hardly any jelly. Well compacted tasty meat but needed more spice.  Liked it.

Score   8.0/10

Fred   All been said. Disappointed last week so gave this one.

Score   8.5/10 

Peter   Big well filled pie, Husbandry poor because it was too cold. Nice tasty meat. Freshish.

Score   8.0/10

Tim   Good crunchy pastry, not at  lot of jelly. Packed with coarse meat. Too cold Bit of seasoning coming through eventually. Good Pie.

Score   7.0/10

Mark   Fresh and crunchy pastry. Not much jelly. Very compact meat, needed more pepper.

Score   8.5/10 ( Fetchers privilege used here)


Fetcher   Mark

Fetch   Hopkins of Birkinshaw.

Price   £1.05

Average   7.7

Pie Meeting Saturday 12th January 2013

World Events

Andrew Marr has a stroke at 53. 

Protrait of Duchess of Cambridge causes controversy.

Bush fires in Australia continue. 

Footsie highest in 5.5 years.

Jessops camera shop's go bust.

Honda cut 800 jobs.


Bradford City beat Aston Villa in league cup 3-1 Good luck to Bradford in second leg

Swansea beat Chelsea 2 – 0

England beat India in one day test.


Bruce   Good looking well glazed golden pie. Fresh pasty but dry. Lack of jelly, coarse, well compacted meat. Too salty. Needed spice.

Score   6.0/10

Fred   Attractive looking pie.Too much pastry, nice flavour of meat. Pastry dry. Enjoyed it.

Score   8.0/10

Richard   Pale but neat looking pie. Pastry too thick and dry. No outstanding features.

Score   7.0/10

Peter   Big well made pie, filled with meat and not room for jelly. Dry thick and fresh pastry.

Score   8.0/10

Kevin  Big, good looking, fresh, short dry pastry, no jelly, bland meat ,had potential.

Score   6.0/10

Howard  Tidy looking pie, good size, pastry thick,dry short crust,well filled. Good pork taste but lacked spice. Not much jelly. Potential for being a good pie.

Score   6.5.0/10


Fetcher   Howard

Fetch   B & M Collins of Cleckheaton

Price   £1

Average   6.9

Pie Meeting Saturday 19th January 2013

World Events

Algerian Army breaking the Islamist siege at gas plant. Many casualties feared.

Teresa May, Home Secretary knocks £4000 of starting salary of police. Looks like cops will not be voting Tory next time.

Michael Gove, Education Secretary stops annual increments for teachers, so Tories will not be counting on the teachers votes either.

Horse meat found in Tesco beef burgers.


Tour de France will go through Ripponden

British Darts Organisation champion works in Calderdale.


Tim Unusual molded pie, thick pastry. Too dry, little jelly well seasoned, porky meat.

Score 6.5/10

Howard Unusual pie, not todays. Thick dry pastry, stodgy. Nice tasty pork, quite a bit of jelly.


Mark Needed to be fresh and wasn’t. Lots of jelly, flavoursome, needed more pepper, a good effort.

Score 7.0/10

Peter Good looking pie, pale pastry, very well filled, tasty porky meat, not much jelly and not fresh. Would have been great fresh.

Score 8.0/10 ( a bit of fetchers privilege used. )


Fetcher   Peter

Fetch   Potters of Barnsley

Price   £1

Average   7.1

Pie Meeting Saturday 26th January 2013

World Events

Egypt rioting again. 12 football rioters sentenced to death.

PM Cameron gives a speech outlining plans to reform EU.

UK Border Force has 1000’s of applications to live hear and nothing done for years.

Snow paralyses UK yet again. Schools close.

2 Yorkshire climbers killed in Scottish avalance.


Andy Murray in final of Austalian Open.

Bradford City through to final of League Cup to play Swansea.

Swansea ball boy kicked by Chelsea player Eden Hazard! The silly Ball Boy was holding the ball to timewaste.


Oli Ascetically pleasing. Not todays pie. Not crisp and a little stale. Plenty of meat. Too much jelly. Tasty, enjoyed it.

Score 7.0/10

Tim Good looking pie. Not fresh pastry and lacked salt. Needed more seasoning.

Score 8.0/10

Peter Big handsome pie. Dry pasty.Well filled, quite tasty but needed more seasoning.

Score 7.0/10

Bruce Great looking pie, golden brown, fresh thin crunchy pastry. Nice jelly, well compacted tasty meat. Well filled. Just needed more spice and seasoning. Otherwise a belter of a pie.

Score 9.0/10

Fred Attractive looking pie, Well filled. Weighed a lot. Bit of effort to get through the pastry. Tasty, meat was coarse, nicely flavoured. Near perfect pie.

Score 9.0/10

Howard Good sized pie. Well presented.Good colour to pastry. Well filled with tasty coarse pork Nicely seasoned. Touch of jelly. Nice afterburn. Fresh pastry.

Score 9.0/10


Fetcher   Howard

Fetch   Bolster Moor

Price   £1.15

Average   8.2


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