September 2010   




Artisan Class


1st Honley Village  Butchers – pork, chorizo, goats cheese & sweet chilli sauce 
2nd Keith Dyson – full English breakfast
3rd Honley Village Butchers – pork, chicken & stuffing
4th J. Thomas of Helmsley 
5th E. Middlemiss – pork, stuffing & Yorkshire chutney


Traditional Class


1st Hoffman’s of Wakefield 
2nd Wilson’s of Crossgates, Leeds 
3rd Broster’s of Lindley, Huddersfield.
4th Honley Village Butchers, Huddersfield.


September 2010 PDF Print E-mail
Pie Club Meetings 2010

Pie Meeting Saturday 4th September 2010

World Events

Earthquake in New Zealand, National Emergency.

William Hague has had to deny he is gay because he shared a room with an adviser, Meadowhall is 20 years old.

Tony Blair book published.


England win 4 - 0 in European Championship against Bulgaria.

England beat Pakistan at cricket


John Mark Like a lump of polished mahogany . very thick pastry. Compact meat. Crispy outside crispy, very fresh needed more spice.

Score   7.0/10

Peter   Thick crumbly pastry, not very tasty. Did not really enjoy it. Needed more spice.

Score   5.0/10

Phil   Thick pasty, no salt pepper or jelly.

Score   6.5/10

Kevin   Shiny as a cricket ball, thick pastry, well filled pie, lacked jelly, needed more spice fresh.

Score   7.0/10

John   Thick pastry, lardy, lacking in salt, burnt.

Score   6.0/10


Fetcher   John.

Fetch   Haighs of Merfield.

Price   ??

Average   6

Pie Meeting Saturday 18th September 2010

World Events

Pope’s 1st state visit to the UK.

Jimmy Hendrix died 40 years ago this week.

George Michael locked up for driving under the influence of drugs.

EU minister calls the French racist for expelling Romanian Gypsies.


Frenchman with no limbs swimming the channel.

England beat Australia at athletics.

Nadel wins US Open.

Alonso wins Italian GP.


Bruce   Good looking large pie, fresh crunchy pastry, like a baker’s pastry. Plenty of jelly,course meat, lacked spice. Enoyed it.

Score   8.0/10

Peter   Large and strange taste and not much of it. 5 Phil Lancashire pie, no taste with the meat. Well filled.

Score   6.0/10

John   Large pie, fresh,pasty looking. Bakers pie,lardy on the inside. Course meat and peppery.Succulent jelly.

Score   6.5/10

Kevin   Pale,crispy pastry but undercooked inside. Coarse meat. Bland jelly and meat . Fresh and a Lancashire bakers pie.

Score   6.0/10

Mark   Large dull looking pie. Crispy pastry, Inside not cooked. Lots of pepper. Jelly full of flavour.

Score   7.0/10


Fetcher   Mark

Fetch   The Pantry and the Rams Head, Denshaw Oldham.

Price   95p

Average   6.4

Pie Meeting Saturday 25th September 2010

World Events

Ed Milliband is the new Labour leader.

Don Partridge singer ( one man band) of Rosie dies.

Calderdale man commits suicide after meeting woman on internet suicide site.

Irish terrorist threat imminent MI6 man got in sports bag and died, not murder.


Commonwealth games in India, atheletes village not ready.

Great North run Ethopians win mens and womens catogories.


John   Slightly burnt pastry. Made on a hill, because it sloped Not much meat ,succulent, globules of fat in it.Yorkshire pie.

Score   4.5/10

Mark   Fresh pie and thickest pastry ever. Lovely meat,bags of pepper in it. Sufficient jelly. Pastry spoilt it. Inside of pastry was raw.

Score   6.5/10

Peter   Big and would have been better if smaller. Thickest pastry ever. Thick as a bank vault door. Undercooked pastry on the inside.Chewy meat did not taste of much, peppery, though. Pastry tasted OK though.

Score   4.0/10

Bruce   Monster pie. Sloping. Crisp on the outside underdone on the inside. Succulent meat. Jelly was delicious. Plenty of afterburn. A susprising pie. Very morrish.

Score   6.0/10

Phil   Big pie. Thick pastry,tasty jelly and meat.Not fresh. 6.5


Fetcher   Phil

Fetch   Leeson Butchers Of Oakham, Leicestershire.

Price   £1.50p

Average   5.5


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